Tuesday 19 October 2010

Singapore Zoo – Worldwide Wildlife Without Cages

Located in a region known for its intense levels of biodiversity, the Singapore Zoo showcases Southeast Asia’s wildlife as a regional destination no other can. Located in an area known as the level of intense biodiversity, Singapore Zoo display wildlife in Southeast Asia as a destination other regions can not.
Of course, the appeal of the zoo goes far beyond the regional species – the Singapore Zoo houses almost 4.000 animals in its 40 hectares, giving visitors the chance to come eyeballs-to-eyeballs with Orangutans, white tigers, Kangaroos, Elephants, baboons, Boaz , polar bears, and New World monkeys, among others. Of course, the zoo attraction far beyond regional species – Singapore Zoo houses nearly 4,000 animals in 40 acres, giving visitors the chance to come eye-ball to eye ball with orangutans, white tigers, kangaroos, elephants, baboons, Boaz, polar bears, and the New World monkeys, among others.

Open Open Zoo Zoo
The Zoo exemplifies an “open zoo” concept of zookeeping. The Zoo examples of “open zoo” concept zookeeping. Cages are almost nonexistent. Cage almost nothing. In the Zoo, animals are bigger land surrounded by deep moats, which are artfully concealed from zoo-goers’ eyes by vegetation or varying elevations. In the Zoo, larger land animals are surrounded by a deep moat, which artfully hidden from the zoo-audience ‘eyes by vegetation or elevation different. Expert climbers, like snakes and jaguars, are kept in glass enclosures. Expert climbers, such as snakes and jaguars, are kept in glass cages.
The “open zoo” sets both visitors and resident animals “free” – are allowed the animals to live almost like they would in their natural habitat, and visitors can observe the animals in the environment almost free of Artifice. “Open the zoo” second set of visitors and resident animals “for free” – animals that are allowed to live almost as they would in their natural habitats, and visitors can observe the animals on the environment nearly free of intelligence.
This is an especially welcome bonus for photographers, who can shoot to their heart’s content without any cage bars or chicken wire obstructing their view! This is a very welcome bonus for the photographer, who can shoot with their hearts content without the chicken wire cage bars or blocking their view!
Children in particular will be amazed at this candid look at life in the wild (although you might want to shield their eyes when the Primates choose to, uhm, “do what comes naturally”). Children in particular will be amazed at this light look at life in the wilderness (although you may want to protect their eyes when he chose to primates, uhm, “doing what comes naturally”).
This “open” treatment works especially well for the larger social mammals – the Chimpanzees and baboons are Confined in groups, and are fun to watch especially during feeding times. This “open” treatment works very well for social mammals larger – chimpanzees and baboons in the group is limited, and fun to watch, especially during meal times.
Feeding Time Feeding Time
The real “magic” happens during feeding hours. Actually “miracle” occurred during mealtimes. Allowed you’ll be to participate in the feeding species of certain – I enjoyed throwing fruit to the baboons, and was especially freaked out when I had the chance to feed the Arapaima (The zookeeper gave me a fish on a stick tied, and told me to hold it a few inches above the water – the Arapaima Jumped out and grabbed the thing, fish, stick and all). You will be allowed to participate in feeding of certain species – I’m enjoying the fruits tossed into baboons, and especially panic when I had a chance to feed the Arapaima (the zookeeper gave me a fish tied to a stick, and told me to hold it several inches above the waters — the Arapaima jumped out and grabbed it, fish, rod and all).
In other exhibits, the zookeeper will make a show out of time feeding, as with the polar bears, who will go to some amusing lengths to get their hands on the fish being dangled before them by their keepers. In another exhibit, a zookeeper will make the show from time to eat, such as polar bears, which will go to a ridiculous length to get their hands on the fish that hung in front of them by the guards.
(Do not be surprised by the Greenish hue of the polar bears’ fur – the animals’ hair sprouts algae, which would otherwise have been killed by The Arctic’s sub-zero temperatures.) (Do not be surprised with a greenish hue of the polar bears’ fur – animals’ hair to grow algae, which would otherwise be killed by the arctic temperatures were below zero.)
You can even have breakfast with some of these animals – Orangutans The are always game for a photo session, as are the Zoo’s cotton-top tamarins and snakes (just do not get too friendly!). You could even breakfast with some of these animals – orangutans are always game for a photo shoot, as the Zoo is the cotton-top tamarins and snakes (just not very nice!).
It’s Showtime It’s Showtime
With 40 hectares and over miles upon miles of trails thousands of animals exhibiting, there’s far too in The Zoo much to comprehensively describe here. With more than 40 acres and miles of miles above shows traces of thousands of animals, there are too many in the zoo to explain comprehensively here. However, there are a few worth noting exhibits here: However, there are some noteworthy exhibits here:
* Hamadryas Baboons Exhibit: The baboons are housed in a habitat built to simulate their home turf, the Great Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Hamadryas baboons Proof: The baboons are stored in a habitat built to simulate their own cages, the Great Rift Valley of Ethiopia. About Eighty baboons live on this rocky island surrounded by a watery Moat and a glass wall that lets you come face to face with highly aggressive alpha males (take my advice, do not bare your teeth at a baboon!). About eighty baboons living in the rocky island is surrounded by a moat and wall of water glass that allows you to deal with a man very aggressive alpha (take suggestions, do not bare his teeth in the baboon!). For a few Singaporean dollars, you’ll get a cup of fresh fruit slices which you can throw at the baboons during feeding time. For a few dollars in Singapore, you will get a cup of sliced fresh fruit that you can throw in baboons during meal time.
* The Splash Amphitheater: The Wet n ‘wild setting of the Splash Safari show, starring pelicans, Californian sea lions, jackass penguins, and Caribbean manatees, all trained to perfection and performing for your enjoyment. Splash Amphitheater: wet n ‘wild settings Splash Safari show, starring pelicans, California sea lions, jackass penguins, manatees and the Caribbean, all trained to perfection and do your pleasure.
* The Elephants At Work and Play show: Zookeepers at the Elephants of Asia exhibit demonstrate how Elephants are put to work at logging camps throughout Southeast Asia. The Elephants At Work and Play show: Zookeepers at the Asian Elephant exhibit shows how the elephant was placed to work in logging camps throughout Southeast Asia.
* Tiger Tracks: Singapore Zoo is home to a few specimens of white tigers, living alongside the more familiar species Bengal. Tigers Trek: The Singapore Zoo is home to several specimens of white tigers, live side by side with more familiar species of Bengal. The exhibit comes with an interactive show that sells the conservation message to visitors. Equipped with interactive exhibits showing that selling the conservation message to visitors.
A tram connects the Zoo’s major exhibits. A tram connecting the main exhibition Zoo. It runs through 2.2km of track, with three stopovers all around the complex. Run through the 2.2km of track, with three stops on the entire complex. The tram eases the Burden on your legs and allowing you to see the Zoo in detail at the same time. Trams ease the burden on your feet and allows you to see the zoo in detail at the same time.
Getting There and Getting In Getting There and Getting In
The Zoo is open all year round, and is open from 8.30am to 6.00pm daily. Zoo is open all year, and is open daily 8:30-6:00. The Singapore Zoo website features different ways of getting to and from the area. The Singapore Zoo’s website features a different way to and from the area. Adults pay S $ 16.50 for admission, children from age 3-12 years of pay S $ 12. Adults pay S $ 16.50 for entry, children 3-12 years old pay S $ 12.
Animal lovers can avail of the “Park Hoppers special” that lets you see the Zoo the Night Safari, Jurong Bird Park and at the low price of S $ 40.00 (adults) or $ 28.00 S (children). Animal lovers can avail of the “Park Hoppers Special” which allows you to see the zoo, the Night Safari and Jurong Bird Park at low prices S $ 40.00 (adults), or S $ 28.00 (children).